Sunday, April 14, 2013

My Mentor, My Friend

My Mentor, My Friend


The mishna in Prikie Avot states: Make for yourself teacher; acquire for yourself a friend; and judge every person favorably

When Chanie and I first moved to Vancouver I sought Rabbi Dubrawsky's advice, guidance and insight in setting the foundation and direction for our shlichus. His answer was simple. Treat every person with respect, deference and esteem.

Reb Lipa (as I would call him) was a great example of this directive. To him, everyone was important. Every person's pain was his concern. Everyone's joy was his joy. He carried the burdens and of many. He was a true personification of the mitzvah of Ahavat Yisroel, to love and be concerned for a fellow Jew.  In this, and in everything about him, he was a true Chosid, a genuine embodiment of the Rebbe.

Everyone wanted to speak to him, to be in his presence, to seek his advice and hear his sage counsel. His time precious and limited, yet he was available to all. Knowing his busy schedule and the high demand for his attention, whenever I would call to speak to him, I would always ask "ר' ליפא, דו האסט עטליכע מינוט?"   "Reb Lipa, Can I take a few minutes of your time?" He was always generous with his time and attentiveness, listening to every detail, giving wise counsel and clear advice. He understood people. He comprehended the soul.

He was a silent partner in our shlichus in Richmond. Advising, guiding and encouraging every step of the way on all matters big and small. He always wanted to know how things were going, how we were doing, directing and inspiring us to grow our community in quality and quantity.

I am grateful for the blessing, humbled by the privilege and thankful for the honour of knowing Reb Lipa and receiving his guidance. He taught that the definition of a real friend is someone whom, when they walk into the room, brings a smile to your face.

Reb Lipa was my mentor; he treated me like a friend.

And now my heart aches. And all I can think of is, what would Lipa's advice be now. I need to speak to him.  ''ר' ליפא, איך דארף נאך עטליכע מינוט'' "Reb Lipa, I need just a few more minutes of your time …..


Yechiel Baitelman


1 comment:

  1. ..Very, very sad lost. I wasn't close anyhow and actually barely know Reb Lipa , but he always attract my attention and inspired me by his integrity, absolute dedication to his believes, principals of moral and just regular routine life habits. I was personally warmed by his kind and wisdom touches, but his aura tangible through known to me people, who were in close contact with him. We certainly missed Reb Lipa, but he are between us.
    Vlad Kaplan
