Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Please use this email address to post a memory


  1. Rabbi Dubrawsky was a very special person, a wonderful Rav and an asset to Vancouver. He was beloved by very many people. He was also the Rav provided counsel and comfort to those in the most most difficult and tragic scenarios. I think no one will forget his gentle and and caring manner. He also, together with Mrs. Dubrawsky, raised a wondeful family.
    Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
    And May HaMakom comfort the Family among the Mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
    Rabbi A Rosenblatt, Vanocuver

  2. Rabbi Dubrawsky was an amazingly special person. When people asked me if I know him I would always utter a resounding yes! and then go on to express how he exuded wisdom and kindness. I will never forget a conversation that I had with him when I was 17. I am now 27 and I can genuinely say that I remember not only what he said, but how he said it. He inspired me to come back to my Judaism and I constantly thank him for that. I honestly haven't decided what I will take on yet, but I have decided to take on a new mitzvah specifically in his memory. He changed my life and now I want to do the same for someone else.

    Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
    May his family find comfort in Hashem and in knowing that so many people are thinking about them during this time.
    Naomi (Goldman) Lerman, Vancouver

  3. אמר ר' שמואל בר נחמני אמר ר' יונתן כל המלמד את בן חברו תורה מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו ילדו
    (סנהדרין יט:)
    Rabbi Shmuel Bar Bachmani in the name of Rabbi Yonatan says, whoever teaches someone Torah, it is as if he gave birth to him (Sanhedrin 19b).

    The Vancouver Jewish community lost a Tzadik, a genuine, gentle, unassuming, humble man who through his teaching was able to inspire his Talmidim to become aware of their Jewish heritage and to observe it.
    For many of his Talmidim, Rabbi Dubrawsky was like a father.

    To see how many people were so distressed by his sudden departure shows us who this man was.

    I will remember Harav Eliezer Lipa Ben Harav Yehoshua as a man who inspired me to teach and remember that the work that I do is holy.

    Every word he said had depth and meaning.

    May he be a מליץ יושר for his family, community and כלל ישראל.
    ת.נ.צ.ב.ה בג״ע

    Ilan Acoca

    Vancouver, BC, Canada

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Rabbi, what a catastrophic loss for your family, community, talmidim, friends, co-workers...
    I saw you almost every morning, always greeting me with the kindest smile, warmth eminating from you...
    Your sincere concern for all those around you, words of encouragement, wisdom, hope...
    I honestly have the most hollow sick feeling of grief when thinking of how your family and students will carry on without you. You had such a deep, profound and life changing effect on everyone you interacted with...
    I will miss you and bid you well. I hope that those that called you Rebbe will find some comfort knowing that the suffering of this world is no longer a part of your peckel, and now that you are with Hashem and are reunited with your Rebbe, you will continue to work from your place to help bring about the final redemption, with the coming of Moshiach, in our time, Amen
    Our deepest sympathies and prayers are with you, Rebbetzin Dena Dubrawsky and your children and grand children at this tragic and heart wrenching time, I can not imagine your grief, our love,
    yosef vernon and family
    Richmond, BC

  6. My husband and I were - finally - taking Rabbi Dubrawsky's Intro to Talmud class at the JCC one year, after many "it's there if you want it" nudges by R' Dubrawsky. One day, my husband took off his baseball cap, only to realize he had forgotten to put a kipa on. He was not comfortable wearing his baseball cap, so he was going to run down to the office to see if someone had one stuffed in a drawer. Without a word, R' Dubrawsky slid his hat forward, slipped his kipa off, and handed it to Morey. Then he did that smile/half shrug move, waved Morey to "sit, sit" and started teaching.

    Baruch Dayan HaEmet
    Alissa Altman
    Israel, formerly of Vancouver
