Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ari and Shoshana Schwartz



Rabbi Dubrawsky,  My  Rabbi, My Mashpiah,  my mentor and  Friend …


i haven't  been  able to  think of  much else for the last  2  weeks  -  in utter disbelief that  he left us  so  suddenly …  Rabbi  D.  was  like  a  'spiritual'  father   to   me  …

I met Rabbi Dubrawski  about  15  years  ago  at the Hadassah Bazar  where   Chabad  had  a  booth  every  year  .

That year  ( 1998)    in the early years of my business we   partcipated in the Hadasah Bazar  and   as  Divine Providence   would have it -   our booth was located  across the hall from  Chabad  ,  so I went over  to the table,  and  met  Rabbi D  for the first  time  -  he  immediately  invited me  to a Farbrenghen   at his house that  week. I had  no idea  what a 'Farbrenghen'  was  -  he told me  to just  come,   something  about him  rang  true  to me  ,  his  sincerity,  gentleness/kind approach  - I  was  drawn to his  energy  from the get  go .   So I   arrived at his house for the first time   and   tasted  my first 'Farbrenghen'  that was   ultimately to change my  life  forever .   I  had  been  living in China  for many years  and  had  recently moved back  to Canada ,  I  was  searching  for  more  Spirituality in my life,  and  I   sensed that  there was  tremendous  depth in Judaism  that  I had  never touched on  ,    I  started  attending   Rabbi D's  classes  and  was  invited  for   shabbes and yomtov meals  at his  house where I met his  wonderful  wife  Dina  and  their  adorable  children  ,   

Rabbi D's   was   like a magnet  to my  soul   -    after a  few months  Rabbi D   arranged for me to  go  to NY   for a  shabaton  in Crown Heights  where  he  arranged for me to  stay with his family ,  I  ended up  staying 2  weeks,  and   when  I  returned  to Vancouver    decided  that I wanted to continue  keeping  the   Holy Shabbes.      my  relationship   to  Rabbi D  grew over the years ,  and    under his  guidance  continued growing  in my  Yidishkeit  ,  as  he  taught me more about Torah  and Mitzvot and  how  to connect  to something  Higher .        He  encouraged me  to   take  some time off and  go to Israel  to learn ,   and  then  he  encouraged  and  councelled   me  on the  path  to find  my  soul mate.      After my marriage  to Shoshana  -  the  Dubrawski's   took  Shoshana in  ,  and  she  was   immediately  drawn  to him  aswell.

He  became  our  Rav,   Mashpiah,  confident,  marriage  councellor   and   good  friend .     There   wasn't  anything  that    we couldn't  speak  to  Rabbi D  about -  no matter what it  was   ,  he  always   related to  us  with  a gentle kindness  and  sensitivity.       We will miss him  terribly.    I  am   greatful  for  having had  him in my life  for  these   years   and  know that  his memory will  stay  alive   in me  and will be a source for Blessing   for  the  rest of my  life .   

He  taught me    that   Chassidim  never  really say good by ,   so I won't  say  good by  to you Rabbi D,     Mashiach  should  come very soon  and  we  should  be together  again   B'mheira ve yameinu !


Ari & Shoshana Schwartz

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